Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ponferrada! y los Templarios

¨Let´s play Castle¨
"I call knight!¨
"oo Lets!

You know you´re in good company when this is the discussion following the mention of the castle in Ponferrada and the following a dance party on the Roman Wall. Still no casualties and more jovial spirits, but the general soreness is still around! We stayed up until 1130 because we only had a two hour walk today and slept in (we all woke up at 7 and decided that is was weird starting so late)! We´ve been starting a little earlier because it has been incredibly warm.
The walk to molinesca was brutal but beautiful, there were orchids and heather and mountains and even some cows and sheep. Almost everyone has roses in their yards and there was so much heather on some of the mountains that they looked purple. The beginning of the walk about the first 2 hours were in a cloud and it was very erie and surreal. Each Hostel has been nicer than the last and each night we all sleep a little more soundly. Currently cherries are in season and in each small town we´ve been feasting on locally grown cherries (que delicioso y perfecta!)
Today Castle was played and songs sung. Lucy and some others are composing a ballad about the deeds of Kevin the knight templar (much to his delight)and we plan on a great unveiling.

Hola! buen camino!
-cows don´t go moo they go mmnnmmmmnnnuuuueeeeeaaauuuuuuxx-eeehh

Safe travels and see you again soon!


  1. Make sure to share the ballad of Kevin with your readers at some point!

  2. So you are Tom in the Tolkein story. I wikied him -- Tom Bombadil is a spry fellow, with a quick, playful wit. He speaks in a rhyming whimsical way: "Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo!/ Ring a dong! hop along! fal lal the willow! Tom Bom, jolly Tom, Tom Bombadillo!" [1] He has a jolly, carefree attitude, and very little seems to concern him. He also sometimes refers to himself in the third person, as if simultaneously weaving his own epic narrative, even as he lives it.

    This seems to fit your personality a bit. Keep up the good work and enjoy your pilgrimage. Did you leave the penny?
