Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Walked to The top of il duomo and to piazza di michaelangelo today. I've enjoyed the pace of taking in the scenery that is Florence but I am incredibly happy to see SB and the twins tomorrow. Today was definitely a day of vistas and hopefully I'll be Abe to get into the ufizzi in the morning! Tomorrow is a florentine holiday and it was very obvious by the number of ppl out and about this evening. I met another woman who walked the camino, I never believed it would be this much of a community but after discovering hat we had both walked she was much more comfortable to speak italish. Also based on the fashion and music I'm pretty sure that I've traveled back to the eighties acid wash and duran duran all the way. Safe travels and see you in Sweden!


  1. Wonderful. Amazing. Glad you are loving Firenze. Have a safe trip to the always, mumz and pops

  2. See you soon Em!!!!!! We'll be meeting you at the airport in a few hours then it'll be barbeque time so come hungry!
