Monday, May 31, 2010

San Martin a Astorga

Second day walking and so far no casualties though a couple ppls blister and a general group fatigue. The countryside is beautiful! and generally the people are more than nice, they opened up the grocery store for us in san martin I guess we asked the right person! Later a farmer let colleen katie j and I walk around his gorgeous farm though we didn´t go too far. Internet time is crazy and there is a line oh well have a great day and happy birthday Memere!


  1. Sing hiking songs to keep going ;-)

    Blisters? Ouch! Nice from is nice to....keep smiling.

    Have fun and soon you will all be on Camino time.

    Luv, mumz

  2. Also, muppet dance whenever you can! It helps during long lines :-)

    Sounds like you're having a blast!


  3. "The ants go marching one by one. The little one stopped to suck his thumb...." Do you remember this one? Or "We're off to see the Wizard" ... Hope spirits are high. Take care and love ya...SGS leaders say hi and do this while you are young...I think they are envious.

  4. take some pictures with your snazzy new camera!

  5. Mom dr g and I did sing the ants go marching while walking the last bit of the hill. Oh the hiking songs
