Friday, June 25, 2010

Once upon a lamp post .... Midsommar!

And we are off!

Lisa and Lauren have explored so much already! We arrived in Stockholm on Wednesday afternoon and then explored the beautiful capital of Sweden. We watched some old men fishing while eating some delicious gelato, visited the royal burial cathedral then headed off to Gothenburg to visit with Sandra! We had a mishap with 24:00 time and had to rebook our train tickets and we got to sit in the pet cabin with some very well behaved dogs! Sandra and her friend met us at the train station then we traveled to her beautiful little apartment in Gothenburg! we were so tired, but wanted to stay up and chat! PLUS it was sort of light out?!? It definitely didn't feel like midnight!

We explored Gothenburg to the extreme! We hiked up to the old fort and was able to see the entire city! So pretty! I (Lisa) realized that there were charming little carvings on the lamp posts with cherubs, viking ships, suns, moons and stars, and a lion,the symbol of Gothenburg. We later went to the airport to pick up Emilee to begin our grand trip together!

So much love and fun! Today was midsummer festival and we had a picnic and danced around the midsommarstång. Much laughter and love and songs about being a frog without a tail or ears.

Our beautiful hostess was BEAUTIFUl and lovely and the sun was up and bright at 5am who decided that?

We're heading off soon to go to England to meet up with Emily and some other friends! Next stop... LONDON! :)

the three flamingoes

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