Monday, June 28, 2010

1900s gothic to medieval castles

Bon soir!
We've arrived safe and sound in Carcassonne France. London was lovely as were our hosts! E and M had pet chickens and we got to feed them sweet corn from our hands! Our first day in town was incredibly fun and we walked and saw most of north London from Holborn to Westminster and buckingham palace to covent garden. A was a lovely guide with plentiful trivia about the city. We had a traditional fish and chips and watched the heartbreaking USA v Ghana futbol match.

Instead of waiting in line from wee hours of the morning to grab a ticket to the tennis match E and A joined us for a lovely walk down the souh bank and the Tate modern. We proceeded with a Mary poppins tour and sang songs outsid St Paul's cathedral. At which point we realized that the Germany England game was half over and we did a mad dash across town to Wimbledon, in record time, to see the saddest 20 minutes. It was amusing to see how empty the streets were during he match and how they filled up after. We joined A's flatmates and friends for a brief interlude in the park before heading back to the southbank to se the Globe and the tower bridge on our walk back we got to see the bridge and tower light up and the bridge open up to let a beautiful sailboat under. A beautiful London sight are pianos that have signs "play me I'm yours" and we met a nice canadian/English boy who was playing quite well and we taught him a basic waltz step in return for music. All of this with the beautiful tower bridge in one direction and a sunset in the other. It was a moderately early evening so that we could get to our flight in the morning which happened with great success and a couple funny incidents. My glasses set of the metal detector LS computer had to be swabbed and Lo's perfume tested.

After arriving in Carcassonne at the hotel we took some time to settle in and then went out to La Cite, the medieval part of town. The ramparts have been around since the 13th century. And there was a Bob Dylan concert scheduled for later this evening. He castle was quite beautiful and the Dylan fans interesting. Tomorrow we hit the road and begin our tour through the countryside.

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