Friday, June 18, 2010

The great adventure!


We´ve ended the camino but K and I are still traveling around. We went to Burgos and saw the Catedral! the tomb of El Cid, while looking down not so interesting, but if you look up the ceiling looks almost like glowing white lace and is gorgeous. K and I were stoked that we decided to go inside the Catedral it was just amazingly beatiful and seemed more airy and bright than the one in Santiago. Then we packed up and went to the sunny (ahem) rainy San sebastian. We made our own fun and some friends in the Hostel because the first day was torrential downpours and I finally caved and bought a sweater. The rain let up fortunately the next day and we walked to the top of a hill with a giant jesus on top there was also a small museo. After the drizzle actually stopped! we drew pictures in the sand and actually stuck our hands in the water, a bit too chilly to swim though there was an older gentleman partaking in what was probably his daily cold swim.

We´re currently in Barcelona safe and sound and checked in. The city is beautiful and I cannot believe i´m here! we´re taking a rest because we got in quite early, we saw some revelers, and then walked a large majority of the city. We saw the Beach! and will definitely be returning and going for a swim we also walked to the Sagrada Familia. We didn´t go inside but it is already one of my favorites. It is quite interesting and amazing to see the construction of a catedral after seeing completed ones. It is just so different and beautiful. K and I agree that we think the colorful tops of the spires are our favorite part.

Buen Viaje! and I´ll try to post pictures later.


  1. Don't forget Parc Guell! (and the BEACH)

  2. have fun, and don't forget to go to that bar i told you about
