Monday, June 28, 2010

1900s gothic to medieval castles

Bon soir!
We've arrived safe and sound in Carcassonne France. London was lovely as were our hosts! E and M had pet chickens and we got to feed them sweet corn from our hands! Our first day in town was incredibly fun and we walked and saw most of north London from Holborn to Westminster and buckingham palace to covent garden. A was a lovely guide with plentiful trivia about the city. We had a traditional fish and chips and watched the heartbreaking USA v Ghana futbol match.

Instead of waiting in line from wee hours of the morning to grab a ticket to the tennis match E and A joined us for a lovely walk down the souh bank and the Tate modern. We proceeded with a Mary poppins tour and sang songs outsid St Paul's cathedral. At which point we realized that the Germany England game was half over and we did a mad dash across town to Wimbledon, in record time, to see the saddest 20 minutes. It was amusing to see how empty the streets were during he match and how they filled up after. We joined A's flatmates and friends for a brief interlude in the park before heading back to the southbank to se the Globe and the tower bridge on our walk back we got to see the bridge and tower light up and the bridge open up to let a beautiful sailboat under. A beautiful London sight are pianos that have signs "play me I'm yours" and we met a nice canadian/English boy who was playing quite well and we taught him a basic waltz step in return for music. All of this with the beautiful tower bridge in one direction and a sunset in the other. It was a moderately early evening so that we could get to our flight in the morning which happened with great success and a couple funny incidents. My glasses set of the metal detector LS computer had to be swabbed and Lo's perfume tested.

After arriving in Carcassonne at the hotel we took some time to settle in and then went out to La Cite, the medieval part of town. The ramparts have been around since the 13th century. And there was a Bob Dylan concert scheduled for later this evening. He castle was quite beautiful and the Dylan fans interesting. Tomorrow we hit the road and begin our tour through the countryside.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Once upon a lamp post .... Midsommar!

And we are off!

Lisa and Lauren have explored so much already! We arrived in Stockholm on Wednesday afternoon and then explored the beautiful capital of Sweden. We watched some old men fishing while eating some delicious gelato, visited the royal burial cathedral then headed off to Gothenburg to visit with Sandra! We had a mishap with 24:00 time and had to rebook our train tickets and we got to sit in the pet cabin with some very well behaved dogs! Sandra and her friend met us at the train station then we traveled to her beautiful little apartment in Gothenburg! we were so tired, but wanted to stay up and chat! PLUS it was sort of light out?!? It definitely didn't feel like midnight!

We explored Gothenburg to the extreme! We hiked up to the old fort and was able to see the entire city! So pretty! I (Lisa) realized that there were charming little carvings on the lamp posts with cherubs, viking ships, suns, moons and stars, and a lion,the symbol of Gothenburg. We later went to the airport to pick up Emilee to begin our grand trip together!

So much love and fun! Today was midsummer festival and we had a picnic and danced around the midsommarstång. Much laughter and love and songs about being a frog without a tail or ears.

Our beautiful hostess was BEAUTIFUl and lovely and the sun was up and bright at 5am who decided that?

We're heading off soon to go to England to meet up with Emily and some other friends! Next stop... LONDON! :)

the three flamingoes

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hotel Sandra!

We have reached Sweden! all of us safe and sound. Em had a moment of silliness and thought her flight was an hour earlier and thought she missed her flight. However there are definitely some incredibly nice people. thank you British man named simon for your help with the ticket machine and to the lovely couple who shared a cab with me to the airport!

We all grilled and it was delicious. Also jeans are a beautiful thing, as are clothes that smell like home!

The chicas are together again!

"what you have to pay to pee?" oh silly stockholm.

We're off to rest and sleep so that we can have a fun day in the city (summer festival!) and then fly to London! Also it never gets fully dark here... we didn't realize that it was after midnight still looked like 7pm whoops.

"Americans where?!"

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Walked to The top of il duomo and to piazza di michaelangelo today. I've enjoyed the pace of taking in the scenery that is Florence but I am incredibly happy to see SB and the twins tomorrow. Today was definitely a day of vistas and hopefully I'll be Abe to get into the ufizzi in the morning! Tomorrow is a florentine holiday and it was very obvious by the number of ppl out and about this evening. I met another woman who walked the camino, I never believed it would be this much of a community but after discovering hat we had both walked she was much more comfortable to speak italish. Also based on the fashion and music I'm pretty sure that I've traveled back to the eighties acid wash and duran duran all the way. Safe travels and see you in Sweden!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Firenze with weefee

Ciao! Florence is amazingly beautiful the difference between textbooks and the emotional happiness is the experience. I haven't been able to get over the beauty of the duomo. There was a ballet interpretation of don quixoto in the piazza signorina. Tomorrow the uffizi and possibly the academia. seeing the difference in artistic interpretation and proportions after so many medeival churches and the few catedrales is mind boggling and awe inspiring. Day and a half left and the beauty is unreal.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The great adventure!


We´ve ended the camino but K and I are still traveling around. We went to Burgos and saw the Catedral! the tomb of El Cid, while looking down not so interesting, but if you look up the ceiling looks almost like glowing white lace and is gorgeous. K and I were stoked that we decided to go inside the Catedral it was just amazingly beatiful and seemed more airy and bright than the one in Santiago. Then we packed up and went to the sunny (ahem) rainy San sebastian. We made our own fun and some friends in the Hostel because the first day was torrential downpours and I finally caved and bought a sweater. The rain let up fortunately the next day and we walked to the top of a hill with a giant jesus on top there was also a small museo. After the drizzle actually stopped! we drew pictures in the sand and actually stuck our hands in the water, a bit too chilly to swim though there was an older gentleman partaking in what was probably his daily cold swim.

We´re currently in Barcelona safe and sound and checked in. The city is beautiful and I cannot believe i´m here! we´re taking a rest because we got in quite early, we saw some revelers, and then walked a large majority of the city. We saw the Beach! and will definitely be returning and going for a swim we also walked to the Sagrada Familia. We didn´t go inside but it is already one of my favorites. It is quite interesting and amazing to see the construction of a catedral after seeing completed ones. It is just so different and beautiful. K and I agree that we think the colorful tops of the spires are our favorite part.

Buen Viaje! and I´ll try to post pictures later.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Who would have thought that the rain that falls mostly on the plains would pour all day in the mountain region of galicia today? well it did... but we all arrived safely!

As per request here are a couple of pictures from the hike up and sort of from the hike down from O´cebreiro. The day was incredibly warm even though we left at the beautiful hour of about 530 am but we all managed to walk up into cloud. It is very diorienting to not see your shadow while walking, I felt like I was going in circles all day.

one of the views!

The ascent into the cloud was kind of strange and creepy! Sorry the photos take such a long time to upload.

Talk to you again soon! There have been a crazy amount of cows we even saw one in the process of giving birth!

one last picture on the way down

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ponferrada! y los Templarios

¨Let´s play Castle¨
"I call knight!¨
"oo Lets!

You know you´re in good company when this is the discussion following the mention of the castle in Ponferrada and the following a dance party on the Roman Wall. Still no casualties and more jovial spirits, but the general soreness is still around! We stayed up until 1130 because we only had a two hour walk today and slept in (we all woke up at 7 and decided that is was weird starting so late)! We´ve been starting a little earlier because it has been incredibly warm.
The walk to molinesca was brutal but beautiful, there were orchids and heather and mountains and even some cows and sheep. Almost everyone has roses in their yards and there was so much heather on some of the mountains that they looked purple. The beginning of the walk about the first 2 hours were in a cloud and it was very erie and surreal. Each Hostel has been nicer than the last and each night we all sleep a little more soundly. Currently cherries are in season and in each small town we´ve been feasting on locally grown cherries (que delicioso y perfecta!)
Today Castle was played and songs sung. Lucy and some others are composing a ballad about the deeds of Kevin the knight templar (much to his delight)and we plan on a great unveiling.

Hola! buen camino!
-cows don´t go moo they go mmnnmmmmnnnuuuueeeeeaaauuuuuuxx-eeehh

Safe travels and see you again soon!